Wills & Powers of Attorney
Probate & Estate Administration
How Can We Help?
Our friendly, experienced team will guide you through the process.

None of us relish the thought of our own death, but it is the one thing in life that is guaranteed. By executing a Will you provide certainty as to your intentions and wishes and you also reduce the anxiety for your loved ones following your death. Our Wills team will guide you through the process to ensure everything is taken care of.

Losing a loved one can be an extremely emotional and difficult time.  In addition to this, somebody has to deal with their estate i.e. collect in their money, property and possessions, pay any debts and then distribute the estate to those entitled to it. This process is what is referred to as ‘probate’. Our dedicated team of experts will guide you through the process.

Lasting Powers of Attorney
Nobody likes to think about losing the ability to manage their own affairs. However, you would be wrong to assume relatives can just walk into a bank and access your money, even if it is to pay for utility bills or your care fees. It is more important than ever that you set up a Lasting Power of Attorney now, before it’s too late. Our team will guide you through the process.

Court of Protection
Has your relative or close friend lost the ability to deal with their own affairs?  Do they have bills and/or care fees that need paying but nobody can access their accounts? If so, you may need to consider making an application to be their Deputy. Our team will guide you through the process to ensure everything is taken care of.
Get in Touch
Thank you for visiting our website. If you’d like more information and for one of our team to get back to you, get in touch today.
Registered Office: 36 Clarence Rd, Chesterfield, S40 1XB
Contact: 01246211006
Kieran Clarke Green Ltd trading as Kieran Clarke Green Solicitors. Registered in England and Wales No. 9928406.
Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No. 627285
01246 211006