Child Care
Here for you
Sometimes Social Care advise they are going to start Care Proceedings and ask the Court to consider removing the children. This is a very difficult and distressing time for the parents and for the children. Kieran Clarke Green can help.
Child Care
We have a specialist team who have extensive knowledge representing parents and children with Social Care involvement. Our approach is to focus on what is in the children’s best interest and to help the parents and children understand the process, supporting you every step of the way.
Kieran Clarke Green's Kerry Boyes and Daniel Woodthorpe are on the Law Society’s Children's Panel. Only Solicitors who meet the exact requirements are admitted to this panel. In order to continue to hold this accreditation our skills and knowledge are constantly assessed so this means you have the best possible legal advice.

Representing you
Our Care team represent parents, children, grandparents, family members and foster care parents. In circumstances where Social Care have advised they will issue Care Proceedings Legal Aid is usually available.
We can represent you if social care have decided or threaten to issue court proceedings against you. Sometimes the proceedings can be very complex and involve issues such as they have alleged;
Physical, emotional or sexual abuse
Drug or alcohol issues
Domestic abuse
Mental health issues
International (overseas elements)
Alleged non accidental injuries to a child
Developmental delay
Meet Our Team
Experienced and Strategic

Daniel Woodthorpe
Solicitor and Director
Kerry Boyes
Solicitor and Director
Sarah Kelly
Legal Assistant
We are here for you
Please contact us for more information on 01246 211006 or email Sarah.kelly@kieranclarke.co.uk
Get in Touch
Registered Office: 36 Clarence Rd, Chesterfield, S40 1XB
Contact: 01246211006
Kieran Clarke Green Ltd trading as Kieran Clarke Green Solicitors. Registered in England and Wales No. 9928406.
Authorised and Regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No. 627285
01246 211006